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Sunday, April 25, 2010

I either have money or I have time, but never both 23554

Bleah!! cat hair all over the keyboard. James! and he is eating my plants again. Why do I put up with him? Easy; he is James, such a lovely warm sweet cat. Fat sassy, he hauls socks out of the bedroom and yowls loudly, then drops them in the living room, I am not sure what this ritual is about, he does it everyday.
The sun is out, my paperwork is done, I don't have stomach cancer, I am getting more hours at work, the bills are paid. I have 5.20 in my checking account. Things are tight, we are eating turky soup for three days straight, but it's enough.
Today, more creative things to do with black beans. Poor Daine, he will be an outcast before too long.
DID I mention he is now taller then his sisters?! he was 4 foot 8 a year ago, now he is about five foot four. Getting taller and thinner and more muscular. Transitioning into teenager. He is very beatiful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor guy(s)!... :s

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