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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Allison Jr.s mom called and asked if she could go out tonight and I watch her kid, I said why not, I am sitting here doing nothing anyway.
Allison is going through this long drawn out speech about what a boring day she had, and Daine is listening to her politely.
He breaks my heart. He listens politely and when she is done he runs quickly up the stairs before she goes on. Funny.

I don't think too many 6 year old boys are that polite with little girls having a bitch fest. Reminds me of adults.
Men nod and listen, women go on and on.
Bob asked me out several times again. I am thinking "NO, is good, NO NO." not sure how he misintreprets NO.
It's nearly 11:00 no Kevin, I thought he was due back around 8ish.
We don't have the kind of relationship where I am allowed to get worried and call the police. He is either here or he is not.
If he is abducted by aliens they will give him back I am pretty sure.
Allison is not happy about seeing me on a saturday night. Her mommy never goes out. I told Allison that her mommy works very hard and it's ok for her to go out. I give her permission, lol.
The other thought was, Tony (Allison Jr.s Mom) could stay here and I could go tie one on. I am in the mood.
I like to dance all night long, and walk home in the early hours of morning. Always by myself, I am a wild child with a high standard.
ahh too much information, I apologise. STILL no Kevin.
Nothing new here, stagnating and thinking to much.
Later Gator.
New name is Gladys Carp

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