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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Day Two PHILOSOPHY..oh joy!

AHH jeez, there was "Coffee broad" who needed two seats, one for her big ass and the other seat for her Moxie Java.. The class was already filling, but she still needed two seats.
She kept staring at me... Then there was " I need that chair" Man that sat down next to her and forced her to remove her Moxie Java. While this was going on, "My skirt wasn't short enough before" came limping by about to show us everything she wore underneath.. I wondered.. Who the hell dressed these people today?
Then after the dust settled from her limping entrance, the star of the show waltzed in " Bug Eyed Drone" man. I watched him with great interest. This was to be my teacher for the next few months... WHY OH WHY? It took me fifteen minutes to figure out how the desk top fit down the side of my chair, " I need that chair" man didn't figure it out as smoothly as I did, and kept hitting me in the butt. Needless to say, after I gave him a pointed look he quit after three more tries. WHO invents this equipment anyway?
I tried to read chapter one.. but I didn't understand most of the words in it, and gave up after I found I had read it three times and it still didn't make any sense.
Class was over after my twenty fifth stifled Yawn, and "Coffee Broad" said, " I just wanted to tell you, I LOVE your hair."
oh.... so being my clever self, and feeling guilty for glaring at her earlier, I said " It's called, I cannot afford a haircut."
She said "OH I will cut it for you!" AHHH the true nature of her verbal contact with me, she wants a TEST PIG.
I smiled and said, " that's ok, my daughter wants me to keep it unkept and gray."
Let a stranger cut my hair? I don't think so.
Oh by the way, The Professor wrote his own text book and doesn't mind quoting his brilliance constantly.
I haven't figured out what I think about this yet.


Kimmie said...

How's Philosophy class?

Has Coffee Broad come at your hair with scissors yet?

Dusky Dawn said...

the bible thumpers are now getting hot.
I THINK, I don't care if this bug eyed drone has to alleviate someone's belief in God, I don't even feel the need to Verify or prove what I think, it's a class for Pete's sake, I wish I could tell them to calm down, listen to the shit he is feeding us, and keep your belief's close to your heart. This isn't the real world... and don't buy his new book that is in books stores now... As for Coffee Broad, she made new friends. I noticed some pretty funky hair cuts being sported by the innocent 18 -21 year olds... NOT me, to savvy for that!!

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