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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Little barrel of understanding

The little barrel of understanding. Something we try to break out of all our lives
Caught inside by emotional, philosophical,mental, spiritual, and physical handicaps.
Try to pry off the lid and allow more light in.
With each new understanding another crack develops- making more light more understanding.
Through the process of learning and opening, many elderly people are barely contained in the barrel, they have broken free!
Others have a small crack they peek out of, they like it this way. They do not require change or enlightenment.
I do. I have wanted to be more enlightened most of my life.
In my twenties I discovered I was simplistic, childish, and un-educated. I was swallowed up by religious beliefs and what I was told, was Right and Wrong. I allowed others to do my thinking for me. The rebellious streak came about when I faced abuse.
I decided I could not allow the situation to continue. Education is power, someone said. I believe that, but who's education? Who's opinion?
Is it true there is no right or wrong? Only what is culturally acceptable. I do not know.
All the knowledge we have is what is inside the barrel with us.
It can become a bucket of doom, keeping us prisoner to our own archaic idea's or it can be a way to learn more, and break out.
I prefer to keep learning, to keep seeing.

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