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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So, she is the mother in law of my ex...

Or, her daughter is married to my ex husband...
It was nice seeing Ellen again. She wanted to invite me down to her apartment.
Am I hypersensitive? They all act like it was never my house, like I was never married to selfservingbastardboy.
ANYHOOO, I declined out of respect for T H E I R feelings, not like anyone cares about mine.
FUCK NO I don't want to see my old house and how they have decorated it.
I can get on with my life very well thank you, as long as I don't have to have my nose rubbed into the " Might have been's"
But it's been ten years... Yes it has, however some things fester in your soul no matter how you convince yourself how well you feel.
I feel fine... I sing, I am happy, I look YOUNG, I love my children...
BUT I don't want to see my house on Garden street... Ok their house, used to be mine.
Now I get a back bedroom at my kid's new house, and I am thankful they like me enough.. NOW I get to go to school and decide what I want to do when I grow up.
Never have to put up with yelling and hitting again.
I found true happiness the day I saw his backside while I was driving off to the Oregon coast, some 700 miles away.
Stirring up ghosts is never my favorite pastime.

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