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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Green Eyed Wolf

OOOOH No, don't say it.
Fat little blue birds and green Eyed wolves do not mix well.there is no hope. I do not want to go there.
Can't people just portray who they are without all of the regalia? Come on, as far as I know I am just Glena Jean, she who waits, but the wolf even said, "You were not meant to be alone." and the truth is, I was not, I am very passionate. who wants to sleep in my feather bed and listen to novels of dragons and magic? who wants to drink wine and grow flowers and walk late at night, and dream of the sea? WHO? Who wants to drink wine invoked with love spells, and heal the sick, and be free? Free to be me. I dream, but I dream alone.

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