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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Head Trauma Dogs and Mad Cows

I brought Daine home a Lazar pointer thingy. He has been driving the cats and Sherman nuts.I didn't know that the dog would chase it too, so now they are running around the house full speed and trying to run up the wall, in Sherman's case into the wall. I said to the boy that it would be a nice gesture to stop before the dog hits the wall. Sherman being mostly beautiful and not very smart, we need to look out for his interests you see.__________________________________________
I was scheduled to work today, so I headed off to Boise, optimism in hand at around seven o clock this morning.The meeting did not go well and I left without pay. I so dislike welfare Prima-Donna's.I called the office and said, "Due the lack of graciousness of my client, I won't be going back." They called me a few minutes later and asked if I would return to the enemy's apartment and pick up her over due movies and return them. I said..No.
I said if she wants people waiting on her, she is going to have to try a different tact. One involving politeness. I don't deal well with rude people, nor drama queens.AHH and secretly I am so glad, I got my seventeen year old paraplegic back, and he and I get along fine without drama.

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