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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

All good things come to an end

I am off to battle again, not the battle of swords, but the battle of silence and temperance.
I hope a few days away have given me fortitude. I don't feel ready.
Ogress declined another helper. She awaits me, her angel. Right. I do not feel very angelic, but I feel a bit like a tortured saint, without the saintly qualifications.
Am I nuts?
The boss mentioned me making up hours with her. I SAID< "NO PLEASE, it tires "HER" out too much" meaning me actually.
Today tomorrow the next day, I did the figures in my head, I cannot afford to quit yet.
So two jobs it is, and very little time for anything else. Geology is still a drag, and Social work is my favorite class.
It has been my favorite through out my life, oh that sounds sanctomonious doesn't it?
Off I go, my sactomonious butt off to the ungrateful, and surely the unworthy.

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