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Saturday, July 18, 2009

there are many here among us that think that life is but a joke

Must be the forces that exist in this world know that I am here.
Yesterday after making my muscles very sore moving furniture around in my room. I discovered I was pretty hungry. Probably about nine hours since breakfast. Its HOT outside, and bout ninety degrees in here, I didn't feel like cooking, but I remembered the container of cottage cheese in the fridge. I ate it, I wasn't interested in creating a culinary delight, just taking the edge off my hunger. Man I was hot, so I laid down on the couch, feeling kinda crappy, waiting for the Gut Bomb to hit me,(Lactose intolerance) that I sometimes forget, sometimes ignore, sometimes cannot ignore...
And the cell phone rings, I answer it because I don't recognise the number. It is Sue, her foot is infected and could I drive her to immediate care? yeah, I wasn't doing anything too exciting just laying on the couch waiting. I pick her up and take her to the docs, the docs verdict is a bit grim and she needs to be on antibiotics immediately. She asked me if it was ok if we drove to Freddies for antibiotics, I said, CERTAINLY< I wouldn't have it any other way, and its really no trouble. She handed me five bucks for gas, which I normally would have turned down, but I haven't put gas in the car for two months, and its nearly on empty, and it doesn't look after four days that Androo, alias asshair is ever coming back.
We have to wait for the medication to be filled, so I ask her if she would mind if I picked up my groceries? I know how fast I can do that, even though I don't know freddies very well, but I got everything in twenty minutes, even after trying to find potatoes three different times... We pick up the meds and I take her home.
I am still thinking about how hot it is, and I am thinking that I will have steamed brown rice with chopped bok choi and some pea pods for dinner. I bought some Tahinni, so I can make Hummus if I am so inclined... and I thinking what a gourmet I am. I put the soy milk in the fridge and see that the cow milk has gone past date. (Daine has't been home in a few weeks to drink it on his cereal) SO I pour the milk down the sink, and it doesn't go. both sides of the sink fill up with milk and just sit there. I glance at the clock, 7 PM< so I know the apartment office is closed, this fiasco doesn't look like it can wait till Monday. I call the dispatch and the gentleman told me in a very disinterested voice that someone would be over shortly. So I walked Mr. Bell Ringer, he said he had wanted a walk for hours and where the hell was I, and how dare I leave the precious puppy home alone..? So I walked him and he had to sniff every bush and tree along the way, and he didn't go number 2 meaning he was saving up for later so I could walk him again, emotional black mail!
The apartment Maintenance man showed up fresh from the bar with his best pool partner. He was gracious enough about being interrupted in one of the best games he had played in weeks. Now the games really began. Fifty feet of snake wouldn't unclog my sink, he was telling me that it might have to wait till Monday, and I was mentally kissing my steamed rice dinner goodbye.
THEN there was a loud "GLURG" and sloooosh and everything happened at once, Spaghetti now decorated the walls of the laundry room, it was everywhere. WE now know that we do not run leftover spaghetti down the garbage disposal... HE RELUCTANTLY (right) left me with the mess and went back to the bar to play pool with his buddy. I looked at the mess with dismay, Sherman wanted to help clean it up, even the three cats were curious about the Glurg and Sloosh noise. I was sore, sweaty hot and really feeling resentful about spaghetti at that moment. An hour later I had it cleaned up, but it was pushing nine o clock PM and I was't in the mood for cooking dinner, and I needed a shower, so I proceeded down the hall to the bathroom... weird noise coming from the bathroom. I opened the door and the toliet was running over from the tank. The whole bathroom was flooded and I had no idea how to stop it. Did the snaking out of the lines cause the hose to pop off the toilet? Did the maintance man cause this when he flushed down some of the spaghetti? I pulled off the tank lid and discovered the hose was spraying straight in the air, kind a cool really. I mopped and mopped and got that mess cleaned up, threw the towels and bath rug in the wash, and I had my luke warm shower trying to wash off the nasty day.
After I was in my faded worn out uglier than sin jammies, Sherman started ringing the bell on the front door frantically. (ASS) I walked him around the back of my apartment, which is on a busy road, and I bet the picture I presented will bring lasting memory to a few people. Fat old grammie walking sleak black cocker in her jammies. He still wouldn't go, and I mentioned stapleing his butt shut if he pooed on the carpet during the night. I took a pill and went to bed.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

Holy crap!

I had a mac n cheese/garbage disposal incident but it was sooooooo not like that!!!

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