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Friday, February 05, 2010

OH Extremely Bite ME! 16441

Not sure about today. I am euphorically happy about odd stuff. E will be gone from my mind shortly. I think he is very smart, he must know that I am not buying the "I can't figure out what you want" routine. Glena No likey dirty smutty joke, no likey penis, poop, body function, jail rape humor. Those that do, more power to you, but don't send that stuff to me. What is humor? I don't really know how to define that one, but for me it's things that are not cruel,are silly and poke fun at every day situations. Defining humor takes some of the mystery out of it. Making my son laugh is one of my favorite things.
Funny and Ironic. Mikey is cheating on Becky. Not a big surprise, but I was sure he couldn't get it up anymore. He has killed off his testosterone with alcohol. Plus the fact he never was very good in the sex department anyway. EVER. Women will tolerate a lot when they are young, but I hope as they get older they quit tolerating the lazy lovers. Hope he is sheathing that puppy, he is a walking virus we all know. Spreading the Cervical cancer for all. Married men that cheat. Very low on the food chain in my opinion. Well B, you wanted him, you got him, congratulations, I bet you are merely waiting him out to collect the house. How long can that bastard live anyway? Probably a good long while, my womanizing drinking Dad is 92 and still going strong last I heard. Surprisingly I have been surrounded by womenizing men my whole life, I can appreciate their dilemna from afar, but everybody gets old some day, and who can you turn to when you have screwed everyone? Just wondering.


mariketh said...

Thats what I am wondering also.. They just give you a promises but when they get you, they just set you aside, ignore you as hell.. They going to get old, and be alone.. alone by pitty.

Dusky Dawn said...

The only thing you can do is watch for the "signs" make a list and be vigilant. A good woman doesn't deserve to be disrespected the way a womanizer does. And the excuses they make? AHHH I could write a book.

Anonymous said...

Men "womanize" because they are insecure and their ego needs constant stroking. That and we're all immature idiots.

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