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Friday, March 26, 2010

I want to get away, I want to fly away

I heard a rumor that the lowly workers of our company get more hours in the summer. I also heard there is dissension in the ranks. They hired about 10 more newbies with the purpose of weeding out those who make more then 8 bucks an hour. This does not apply to me.
I am still at the 8 an hour.
WHY are employers so greedy? They are rolling in it, and the trusted employees they have are better then what they haven't tested yet. ONE would think.
Also Hat boy and text girl are still working. Suspicion has edged away from me, I have learned to keep my mouth shut and go with the flow. It is a shame, I really am talented in this area. It's not wanted or needed. I am not the only one who feels like this, many employees have come and gone before me, striving to make a change.
I shall work and stay in the groove, and keep looking for something else that is a better fit, at least for now, it's six hundred a month and far better then nothing a month. Right? Right.

1 comment:

Poppy said...

That's something I'm afraid of. Havin a job that only causes bad mood and which I don't like. But in these times I guess one shouldn't be picky ...

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