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Monday, August 15, 2005

I rode an airboat in the swamp and watched alligators.
the Dainish is at home, sigh, He would have peed his pants over the alligator adventure.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday and he told me all about the cat falling into the bath tub, inbetween giggles.
I am going to have to come back again with him.
Look up St. Augustine Florida, I think you should plan a visit there one day, I know I am going to love every minute of it, I have so far loved Florida... (a place I never wanted to go)
I gots mosquito bites all over my legs from the swamp adventure, I guess they enjoyed the lovely scented Off crap...
but there is this thing that walmart sells, that has butane or propane or somthing in it. It is the size of a cell phone, you turn it on, and within ten minutes all mosquitoes are gone in a fifteen foot radious... we were just getting eaten waiting for it to kick in. NOW It really works, its about 25 dollars, I would buy one for our next camping adventure.
If it works in the swamp, the woods ought to be no problem.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Great to hear you're having fun. I've been checking in on your blog for reports.

Re: bugs... 'Skin so soft' (Avon???) is supposed to work too though I've never used it. I usually just "deet" up and let whatever happens, happen.

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