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Monday, January 22, 2007

Daylight coming and me wanna go home

I could write two blogs this morning. The other one entitled, "Drum roll please"
I am supposed to call the apartment people today. I am praying for good news. Good news like, "MOVE IN PLEASE"
And the other part of my morning is, three kids (house apes) one infant princess, a baby pug, a cranky son in law, mucho homework, and my Oldest daughter is at clinicals till three. At which time we will all be nuts. I would steal the spoiled fat dykeeni, my son, and my dog and hide out for the day, but I am a nice person.
Mostly a nice person who honors family commitments while lamenting that I am merely the gramma of the two little girls, dykeeni, Labrador,rat terrier,and baby pug.
I get to walk free with the nine year old boy and cocker spaniel with the jaws from hell when my apartment is ready. Notice I said, WHEN not IF.. I am trying for optomism. Like Mr Hatch says.. he is positive all the time, he must have been born that way.
AHHH life could be very easy.


Kimmie said...

OMG! That pug is fantastic!!!!

Did you hear from the apartment people or did I just miss it somehwhere???

Dusky Dawn said...

I am still optomistic. WHY? I don't know, I am usually realistic.
I have no idea why this is so much trouble, if I were dishonest I would probably get right in.

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