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Saturday, March 10, 2007


Friday I felt nauseous yet again, what is up with this? is this my new routine?
I just blunder through my morning, hoping it passes, get the boy up for school. I walk the stupid dog, he tries to remove my arm from it's socket. Man he is strong for a little dog.
Daine goes to school, I head to Boise for my job interview with Intermountain. She is in her meeting early, go figure. I fill out all the paperwork and redundant Job application. I always wonder why on a job app, the format asks the same questions twice. Is this because we have a short attention span and might miss the answer the first time it is asked? I don't know but I hate writing by hand and it irritates me to write the same thing over again.
I feel like writing, " See page one" or "Refer to the first time you asked stupid question."
So having balanced the job app in my lap, trying to write neatly, also noting that I don't have recent info on my past jobs, I am missing phone numbers and address' in some cases. Hell I am organized.
I contemplate Steven. Thinking, we have not built anything together. we only see each other briefly, maybe have some torrid love making or kissing. It is nice, but there isn't any interaction on a intellectual level. I think we are losing each other. His plate is piled high and I am on the bottom. Being the kind of woman that I am, it's either all or nothing thank you very much.
I could go through the great drama of giving him the boot, but I think it will solve itself soon. He is withdrawing from me, I feel it. couple of months I will be free again. I am so lonely in this relationship. It is worse then being single. I am supposed to feel bad if I go out with anyone else. I don't feel bad so much, only like I am dishonest, but if I mention it to Steven, he gets that look in his eyes, that is anything but hurt, it is more.. competitive.
I think it could have been good, but it started out all wrong and moved to fast into physical.
YEAH I know, time will tell. It is always about time you know.
After the non existent job interview,I went to BSU to see about getting more money on my loans. OOOH its piling up on me. I need to get the loan paid off that I took on my car. They will not hesitate to take the car, and that would be very inconvenient.
After pay day on Thursday, I had thirty dollars and six cents in my account. Rent is paid. Only rent however. There is still Power, Gas, Cable,Telephone, Target,Gas for my car... sigh.... I need dog food too. Sherman doesn't care that much, he thinks I could just cook him up a steak for the day.
Wish I could take Daine to see a movie too, maybe he girl friend Shelby could go. He gets a bit pink when I call Shelby his girlfriend.
After BSU, I went to work at the Idaho Water After that I went to get my son Daine and then home. I was feeling crappy again, so I laid down for a twenty minute nap. Poor Son, he needs some fun in his life too. OOH I hope I get that loan increase, I am going to take him to a movie, maybe buy him a Karate instruction video, he would like that till I can get him classes.

NEXT the big important news!!
Janelle was hired at St Luke's, out of ten candidates she was number one! I asked her, "HOW does it feel to be number one?"
She is a bit bemused by that. Great job Janelle!! she has worked hard, and at times wondered if it was all worth it. Apparently after her interview the two nurses turned to each other and said, "she is hired." she was the first choice.
No question in my mind at how great she is going to be. She is pretty fearless and has a lot of common sense.
I think she has a lucky star on her shoulder lately, I hope it sends some luck my way.
She graduates from BSU Nursing Department in May and will be working in June, I think.

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