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Sunday, March 04, 2007

What the F?

I decided to quit taking that seroquil stuff. I have some very odd symptoms I think I know my body well enough to say I am OK, not my own mind apparently.
I cannot put up with the uncontrollable leg and arm movements 30 minutes after taking it. This lasts a good two hours and won't let me sleep. I even tried taking it early, and going through the side effects before bed, or just before bed, and getting to sleep before they hit, and they wake me up with my legs and arms going all over the place tearing up my bed, murdering my pillows in the dark. Also.. it interferes with my serious drinking time. OH yes I know we are thinking, however I only like a shot of scotch, and if I take that medicine I cannot have any, and that really pisses me off.
Nobody is going to take my rights away without a fight. Sorry Dr. Turner, I am on my own. I am enjoying my bout of anxiety, with no head noises, unwanted jolts of temper, or unnecessary leg and arm movements. I think I am finished with the psycho part of weaning off Paxil and I think the seroquit did a great job of helping, but I am fucking done being a fat fuzzy Guinea pig. I am off refusing anymore help. That's gratitude for you.

----Contact your doctor immediately or seek medical attention if you experience uncontrollable movements of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, arms, or legs.
Contact your doctor immediately or seek medical attention if you experience fever, sweating, severe muscle stiffness (rigidity), confusion, fast or irregular heart beats. These could be symptoms of a potentially fatal side effect called Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS).---
YAAY is the cure worse then the malady?

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