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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux LPR

Looks like I will have it all my life. Every time I get sick, stomach acid splashes the vocal cords and my body produces excess mucus to protect me, I am literally drowning, then the spasm hits and I am supposed to breath out? I flap around like a wounded pigeon and make a strange barking noise. Now I know the barking noise is the involuntary noise of my vocal cords spasm. I am to take a stomach acid blocker and learn the technique to stop the spasm. To tell you the truth it scares me to breathe out when I am out of air. Inhalers open the bronchial tubes. This is not related to asthma or bronchitis, though I have had bronchitis when I had this. The vocal cords actually slam shut and spasm making a barking noise. It has been misdiagnosed for years because it looks like an asthma attack. I even got a prescription for an inhaler. What worked was not the inhaler, but me trying to breathe out before inhaling the inhaler. Oddly. All I can say is my family practitioner is a genius. The speech therapist said regular doctors misdiagnose this all the time. However Dr. Keif checked my lungs and they are clear, she knew immediately what it was, and sent me to the speech therapist. 12 years later I get a correct diagnosis.
I don't have heartburn, thats why I never gave that information to a dr. It might have helped me get a correct diagnosis earlier. Even two weeks ago, I young doctor gave me a breathing treatment and a prescription for an inhaler. All treatments are in-effective. Most LPR patients require a proton-pump inhibiting drug,it totally makes sense. This is what we are going to try. I would like to lose another fifty pounds too, seems being overweight causes a host of problems.

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