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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Vocal Cords

Three nights on the couch with the vaporizer going all night. The wet carpet has revived smells best left un-revived. Monday was my last breathing attack, today I visit the speech therapist, I am still on pins and needles, I don't know when I am going to have a cessation of air, it just happens like a glass being put over my lungs. I am afraid to sleep, when it wakes me up disorientated and panicked, I usually run through the house making that horrible noise that means lack of air. The dog runs and hides in his crate, it must really frighten him. There is nothing like that sound of lack of air.
I hope I never have this again. I will do everything in my power to avoid this, I would like to sleep in my own bed again, and I would like to live normally without fear.

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