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Friday, March 05, 2010

Yesterday Seriously Sucked

My client required a nap, without knowing quite what I should do I chose to sit in the hall and wait for the teacher's summons if he began to act up. This was not a good choice I know now. One of the trainer higher ups appeared at the top of the stairs and raised her eyebrows at me, she asked me what I was doing. At the moment I had no idea who she was so I didn't know what answer she wanted. I told her I was waiting on T, but also doing some paperwork. She began questioning me on several procedures. ( I didn't know this was going to be a test!) I don't do well when I am un-prepared. I told her this was the first time he had requested lying down, and I wasn't sure what my course of action should be, I don't want to disturb the class but I also didn't want T out of my sight. She went on and on about how this was bad, and medicaid won't pay etc.. I could see this was about money. For me it's about not doing my job well enough. I told her in my frustration that there are times I don't know what I am supposed to do, I don't think there are enough guidelines. She said, "OH I AM SORRY." very sarcastically. I shut my mouth. This company underpays unqualified people to do a job that should require a license and MORE training. Only I don't think that should be the tact that I take when I get questioned today. If I want to keep this job I need to open my eyes more and open my mouth less. She lectured me for twenty minutes, and I answered as well I could. I just wasn't sure what to say, this was the first time I had sat in the hall, she didn't believe me, she asked me about the other tech, which I don't know anything about, only that Mrs. C the kindergarten teacher doesn't like Sabrina. I didn't tell my boss that, because it's only subjective and I am very good at inserting opinion when it is not asked for. I really felt like being unprofessional under the rapid fire questioning. I rather doubt I looked good. Then I walked away from her because I could hear T talking and he is my client. We went to music class where this Trainer interacted with the children and got them all riled up and dancing. I thought, "Is this what she expects me to do?" I avoid interacting for this reason, it only takes a moment for chaos to break out with five and six year olds. They were hugging her and showing off and she was eating it up. I thought, "FOOL!" I am there to keep T under control, not interact with all the clever children. I think in this case my instincts are correct and she was out of line. She observed me interact with T, which is a natural thing between us since I have been seeing him since December. I expect I am going to be written up for sitting in the hall. My only excuse is that I didn't think he would lie down for very long because he never naps. I really hate this company however. If they want us to be professionals they should give us some decent training, end of argument.
Later when I dropped him off at home, his mother told me she was aware of the situation and they are happy with me, and if I would only be more controlling in Mrs. C's class they would have no complaints. I thanked her, because now finally I know what is expected of me. NO one would tell me, do I take him out, do I settle him down do I risk a noisy meltdown? The Company just wants the job to be done,without any of the painful ways it has to be accomplised. I really think I should find something else, this has gone on far enough. I keep thinking every other week I am going to be fired. Then are are people like Hatboy, and texting girl, and goofy who gets employee of the week. I expect the company hasn't got a clue.


Anonymous said...

Do you know how many people have been fired for their blog???Just a word of caution when venting. Not to many people would know what you do by reading this blog, but my wife is a first grade teacher. I heard someone say once and it still rings true. To be a success in life, find something you like to do and then find a way to make money at it". Life's to short to waste, being unhappy.

Dusky Dawn said...

I like to do nothing.

Anonymous said...

Hey- sorry you had to go through feeling that way. It is horrible when someone tells you off for not doing well what you were never taught. Don't stress. It'll pass. Soon. For now, keep your eyes and ears open- learn to enjoy the process.

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