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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Burn out the day, Burn out the night...

I'm not the one telling you whats wrong or whats right.
However... When you live amongst thugs and idiots there are certain rules that apply.
Yesterday I was up early, thank goodness really. Walked my dog in the dark, looking out for lurkers. I prefer to face my foes on open ground then cowered in a corner. I always come home and lock the door. I got so spooky when I was a security guard. I always feel safer walking the perimeter of a building rather then walking halls in the darkness.
Oh yes I digress, this is about the idiots upstairs.
When I got home around seven Am, I heard a loud pouring noise, like a water fall. I thought OH NO not again, the last time it was the toilet spraying water out under the tank top. So I ran in there, but it was literally pouring out of the ceiling vents. Pouring in a stream. The floor was already a few inches deep in water, the sink and counters soaked. I thought, "she's died in the tub and no one is there to help her." So I called the apartment office and left a message, then I called maintenance, then I called the police for them to do a welfare check on miss piggy upstairs. She has the ambulance out on a regular basis, I don't know if she likes their company or if she is really having something go wrong. I do know she takes way too many drugs. I know because she can barely complete sentences, and she showed me her bag full of pills one time. LOTS and I Think she mixes them up and takes more then she is supposed to, I think she is going to kill herself sometimes soon. There is nothing I can do, I have talked to her, but I don't make any impression on her. She thinks if its prescription medication she can take how much she wants.
Well imagine the teenage daughters surprise when the cops and Maxine broke into the apartment at seven forty five? She was sitting in the bath tub. The water was flowing over the sides and onto the carpet, and down the hall, and she did nothing but sit there and let it. The maintenance man had to bring up a shop vac and clean up their floors, I think he should have made them do it. I Think of the police breaking in on them as my little "Gift" I have a very clean bathroom now,nothing like a complete hose down to get things very clean. JEEZ thank goodness I Was home when this happened, if it had happened on Saturday or Sunday it would have done a lot more damage.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

holy crap....people are freaky scary.

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