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Sunday, February 21, 2010

cloudy muddy sky

Cat litter mission for Sissy. Pick up thyroid meds, and Maalox for me. There was a shirt for three dollars, I grabbed it too. In a smaller size, if any good has come out of this stomach hating me ordeal it's all my clothes fitting loosely. Today I am making black bean chili. HA HA stomach the jokes on you. I found I can eat three bites of anything. Almost anyway.
I stare longingly at the bottle of scotch and can of tab. I don't drink very often or very much, but not being able to at all is off putting.
I see Dr. Keif on Tuesday, here's hoping she can pinpoint what it is and fix it and I wont gain back the weight. I rather like this...and another forty and I will be svelte. In a nice way. One can never lose the German heritage ass I am afraid.
Nampa sux, it stinks and is dirty. I would like to be home by the sea, if you can see your way toward granting this wish for me, I might take it upon myself to be a believer. NAHHH
Great! I was looking at the Nampa Idaho press pages, the only thing this city has to brag about is the indoor recreation center. Be warned if you are looking at cities to relocate to, if they don't show you anything but an indoor recreation center, steer away. IT is not known at the banana belt either, lies lies. It's the dirty smelling armpit of the state of Idaho. Obviously not a good selling point.


Anonymous said...

I sought help for stomach problems for years, even accupuncture, nothing worked until I was fishing one day and a drunk buddy told me to quit dairy, I did and never had another problem.

Dusky Dawn said...

You might have IBS, or milk intolerance. I have over production of stomach acid. I don't drink milk, or eat dairy very often.

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